Harry and James present at ISMSC-8 in Arlington, Virginia

Conference group shot

This year’s 8th International Symposium on Macrocyclic and Supramolecular Chemistry (ISMSC) held in Arlington, Virginia, USA proved to be an impressive event. The symposium was held over 4 days and attracted a world-wide audience of academics from the field. Cutting edge and inspirational talks were given by renowned speakers such as Sir Fraser Stoddart (Northwestern University, US), Eric V. Anslyn (University of Texas, US) and Tomoki Ogoshi (Kanazawa Univeristy, Japan). Standout talks were also presented from upcoming researchers, Chenfung Ke (Northwestern University, US) and Guillaume De Bo (University of Manchester).



James and Harry’s posters were presented with more than 250 other posters, of which the quality of research presented was exceptionally high. Over the three days 25 posters were selected for the final poster competition which took place on day four. Harry was selected by the judges to be one of the 25 finalists which was a great achievement considering the volume and level of research presented.
Harry in America
All in all the symposium turned out to be a great event, and our thanks go out to this year’s hosts, Lyle Isaacs and Jeffery Davis of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of Maryland and Amar Flood of the Department of Chemistry at Indiana University.

We look forward to next year’s ISMSC due to be held in Shanghai China.