Tiddo Mooibroek


Dr. Tiddo Jonathan Mooibroek (12th March 1982) obtained his BSc from the ‘Hogeschool Leiden’ (Cum Laude) in 2005, following both the organic and analytical chemistry tracks. He then pursued his MSc at the University of Leiden for which he was awarded the ‘Oosterhof award’ in 2007. His undergraduate projects were conducted in the group of Prof. Jan Reedijk, where he worked with Prof. Patrick Gamez on functional materials based on the s-triazine building block and on studying the anion/lone-pair – π interactions, with Dr. Wen-Tian Fu on the development of new luminescent materials, and with Prof. Elisabeth Bouwman on studying the palladium-diphosphane complex formation with multinuclear dynamic NMR techniques. He then pursued a PhD in industrial homogeneous catalysis under the guidance of Prof. Eite Drent and Prof. Elisabeth Bouwman, studying the Pd-diphosphane catalyzed reductive carbonylation of nitroaromatics. He successfully defended his thesis in 2011 and in the same year obtained a MA degree in the philosophy of science from the University of Leiden, and a MA degree in Christian studies of science and society from the Free University of Amsterdam. He currently works with Prof. Anthony Davis on the development of synthetic lectins.

Contact: tiddomooibroek@gmail.com

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For a list of publications see Tiddo’s Researchgate