Rob attended the University of Bristol and graduated in 2013 with an MSci in Chemistry. His final year project was supervised under Dr John Bower which investigated the Narasaka-Heck reaction for use in natural product synthesis by utilising the palladium catalysed cyclisation of oxime esters. He is currently working on the design and synthesis of synthetic lectins for binding oligo and polysaccharides under the supervision of Professors Anthony Davis, Matt Crump and Dr. Carmen Galan.
• Tilting and Tumbling in Transmembrane Anion Carriers: Activity Tuning through n-Alkyl Substitution Sophie J. Edwards, Igor Marques, Christopher M. Dias, Robert A. Tromans, Nicholas R. Lees, Vítor Félix*, Hennie Valkenier* and Anthony P. Davis* Chem. Eur. J. 2016, 22, 2004-2011.